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What is International Surrogacy and why is it important to understand?

understanding a sensitive industry 

Surrogacy is, by definition "an arrangement, often supported by a legal agreement, whereby a woman agrees to bear a child for another person or people, who will become the child's parent after birth". When putting it this way, it is seen as a wonderful act of kindness from one woman, to another family who is trying to have their dream of getting a child. Many times surrogacy is used when a couple can physically have their own kid, and don't want to or can't go through the adoption process. Surrogacy requires a lot of planning and trust between the surrogate and the hopeful family. They have to get doctor's visits, fill out legal paperwork, and be safe during the pregnancy in hopes of giving a couple a healthy baby. This may seem like a dream come true, and something fulfilling and rewarding, however ethical issues in  surrogacy are on the rise, and therefore conversations have been started about how ethical sourcing surrogates from poorer countries so you can pay less for a child, really is. Many times, surrogates will have their medical bills paid by the family, but not be compensated as this is not viewed as a "job", however, this is changing. In developing countries, surrogacy has become a form of income and employment, where women are getting paid to be a surrogate, outside of just compensation for medical bills. This is called commercial surrogacy, and it is turning into an exploitive business around the world. While, as of 2021 it is banned in India and other countries, agencies still exploit women to be surrogates and give them unfair conditions. Surrogacy is not an equally enjoyable experience for all, due to the exploitativeness of the agencies and the overall desperation for money in many developing countries, it can be a rough process, with minimal fiscal benefit to the surrogate in the end. Surrogates in the United States, are doing the same job as surrogates in countries such as India, but are getting paid exponentially less, and don't always get the same care and respect that surrogates in the United States do. While surrogacy in itself is positive, the inequalities in this business are what is giving it such a negative rapport. By looking at these inequalities in pay and treatment, we can better understand why this commercial business was banned in India, and how surrogacy works in general!

Explore this webpage to find out more about what makes up this booming industry of surrogacy, and what inequalities come from it, and also, what positives come from it!

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Outsourcing Surrogacy | Red Border Films | TIME

Outsourcing Surrogacy | Red Border Films | TIME

Commercial surrogacy has been legal in India since 2002. With thousands of fertility clinics in the country, the industry is a source of both controversy and hope. At its heart are people like Dr. Nayna Patel and the surrogates at her clinic in Anand, India. They are joined by couples desperate to have a child. Director Shaul Schwarz made this film to document his cousin Arnon Magal and wife Melissa's efforts to have a baby. Subscribe to TIME ►► Get closer to the world of entertainment and celebrity news as TIME gives you access and insight on the people who make what you watch, read and share. Money helps you learn how to spend and invest your money. Find advice and guidance you can count on from how to negotiate, how to save and everything in between. Find out more about the latest developments in science and technology as TIME’s access brings you to the ideas and people changing our world. Let TIME show you everything you need to know about drones, autonomous cars, smart devices and the latest inventions which are shaping industries and our way of living Stay up to date on breaking news from around the world through TIME’s trusted reporting, insight and access CONNECT WITH TIME Web: Twitter: Facebook: Google+: Instagram: Magazine: Newsletter: ABOUT TIME TIME brings unparalleled insight, access and authority to the news. A 24/7 news publication with nearly a century of experience, TIME’s coverage shapes how we understand our world. Subscribe for daily news, interviews, science, technology, politics, health, entertainment, and business updates, as well as exclusive videos from TIME’s Person of the Year, TIME 100 and more created by TIME’s acclaimed writers, producers and editors. Outsourcing Surrogacy | Red Border Films | TIME
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It seems that surrogacy in India is growing faster than Starbucks franchises, with a clinic on every corner in both major cities and small villages alike.

Gail Sexton Anderson

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